about us

Our Mission

In today's world, beauty and wellness go together.
good health is the basis for good beauty.

Our motto is that beauty comes from feeling and being your best. It's your inner confidence that translates to the outside world as attractive. It is our belief that beauty comes from within. Here at Beatrice Spa and Day Spa, it's our goal to enhance every woman's natural beauty and make her feel her personal best by blending the inner and outer person she is or aspires to be.

We hope you agree and invite you to experience a day of beauty at Beatrice Spa and
Beauty Salon in New York City.

Ask anyone what beauty is, and every single person will give a different answer. Beauty
is what you want it to be. Beauty is how it makes you feel. Beauty makes you smile.
Beauty is you.

Learn about the services we offer that can help you feel and be your best. Or contact us to schedule a consultation at 212-767-3577 or via email at info@beatricespa.com.